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Apply for TechChill Milano Open Mic

... and tell your story on the Stage!

Startups thrive on big ideas, and the tech world is always changing. At TechChill, we're eager to find cool ways to empower the community, and... we're giving YOU the chance to speak up on the TechChill Milano stage!

Here's the deal: If you're attending TechChill Milano (whether you already have a TechChill Milano pass or you're planning to get one soon 😉) and you have something cool to share, you can apply for the Open Mic Sessions. You can tell a story, provide tips to investors, or share advice about starting a business. Just send us your topic and a short description of what you want to talk about by September 10th. We'll select several top ideas, and from September 12th to 20th, everyone can vote for their favorites.

It's your turn to Speak&Motive&Shine!

On September 21st, we'll reveal the two individuals who received the most votes. These selected speakers will have the opportunity to take the stage on September 27th. Each speaker will have 20 minutes of fame to talk, share their ideas, and motivate the audience.

Be brave - It's your time to own the stage!

The TechChill Open Mic Sessions are a chance for startups, investors, and others to share their ideas and experiences. This platform strengthens the community and welcomes different viewpoints, which are essential for progress and success.

Join the TechChill Open Mic Sessions now! Tell your story, offer insights, and motivate others. Who knows, you could be the next tech star!


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